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The Collegium

Pursuing Truth, Embracing Tradition.

The Collegium

Pursuing Truth, Embracing Tradition.


The Collegium is an independent institution of higher learning that pledges full fidelity to the unchanging Magisterium of the Catholic Church.


The Collegium is committed to keeping the cost of attending college as low as possible. The cost for room, board and tuition is approximately $19,500 per year.

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The Collegium’s curriculum is foundational to our mission to impart the knowledge of God, that He might be loved and served in this world. We have a set, integrated, cohesive curriculum of theology, philosophy, history, English, literature, logic, rhetoric, Latin, math, science, music and art.

The Collegium Is a Faithful, Affordable, and Classical Liberal Arts College Located in Hagerstown, MD

Collegium Sanctorum Angelorum

90 W. Washington St.
Hagerstown, MD 21740



Hours of Operation
Monday – Friday: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM

We Are a Liberal Arts College